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VIRTUAL transmissions

Welcome to this virtual space !

After subscribing to the "PLAY & REPLAY" pricing plan, you'll have access to all the videos on this page.

The best advice I can give you to dive into these recorded classes is to go with the Flow. Each classes contain different topics and elements to play with movement. These classes are for all movers, open level. Flowing between exercises, explorations, technique, experiences, phrase work, movement perceptions, concepts, ... and multiple approaches to nourish your dance path in many dimensions, physical, mental, sensorial, emotional, spiritual.


Thanks for being here.



    Every month
    Virtual Transmissions Library

Exploring Deeper NEO Lands

Start to Flow with movement

Fluid technique development 

All in One Movement

Introduction to NEO Fusion / New Discovery

Play With NEO Fusion Movement and Dynamics

Fluid technique development 

A Time and Space to Explore

Endless Possibilities / Endless Motions

Textuted & sensorial Fusion Bellydance

Start to Flow with movement

The LIVE FLOW are the first online classes I started with. I wanted to create a safe space welcoming everyone to get closer to movement flow and to inspire a different approach to movement discipline. So we Flow Live, with the energy of the moment, exploring many directions and perspectives to enhance the possibilities and open new perceptions.


Introduction to NEO Fusion / New Discovery

The NEO DISCOVERY classes was an occasion for me to develop the Movement patterns I was playing with, and to share it with everyone is the best way for me to connect to it in a deeper way and to feel the resonance with others. We also, during these 4 sessions, explore topics and elements from my movement researches. It is again about communicating what is vibrating creatively within and trusting the echo we create when practicing together, opening new pathways and getting to understand better what composed this dance style. 



A Time and Space to Explore

The FLOW LAB, movement laboratory was made to invite everyone to open perceptions and allow them to step into the unknown, exploring new landscapes and developing their movement capacities. Dance is not only about technique, of course, it's also about shaping the mind, creating new reflexes, connecting to our senses, finding our movement sources, and allowing ourselves to start over and tune into the origin of movement and the infinite possibilities to express it.


Play With NEO Fusion Movement and Dynamics

During the NEO FUSION online sessions, we play with movement, to learn new patterns, to create floating combos and fluid sequences, to shape movement visualising textures, situations and qualities. Sharing, these dance moment was a perfect opportunity for me to develop and straighten the way I transmit dance and for you to become more and more familiar with this style, with this approach and vision. We also practice with the NEO movement cards, so we start to speak the same language, each one moving with his own way in a commune form and energy. 


Endless Possibilities / Endless Motions

Let's explore different topics throughout movement to resonate and evolve every month with a different approach and perceptions... I'll share with you the themes and latest movement research that are blooming in my body and mind. The idea is to nourish our souls with interesting topics that may change your dance vision forever. Moving and flowing with exercises, sequences, explorations, improvisations, we will discover new movement potencial, qualities and sensations. May your dance be your own reflexion, so your dance will never be stoped, it will move continuously forward with and within you.